【学术报告】Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided MIMO Communications: Challenges and Opportunities


题    目:Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided MIMO Communications: Challenges and Opportunities

报告人:电子科技大学 袁晓军教授

时    间:8月25日上午  11:00-12:00

地    点:交叉二号楼 B6007


Abstract: Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) is regarded as one of the candidate technologies to enable next-generation wireless communications (6G). A RIS is made of a large number of low-cost reconfigurable elements, a.k.a. meta-atoms or unit cells, that are able to control how incident electromagnetic (EM) waves are reflected. The unit cells of a RIS can be designed to cooperatively achieve specific purposes, such as scattering the impinging waves, absorbing the impinging waves, and focusing the reflected wave to certain directions. In this talk, we introduce the channel modeling, optimization, and capacity analysis of RIS-assisted MIMO systems. First of all, we propose a partition-based passive beamforming method to reduce the number of variables to be optimized, thereby reducing computational overhead. Then, we propose a near-field RIS-assisted MIMO channel model based on the spherical-wave assumption. Based on the established channel model, we study the spatial multiplexing capability of the cascaded line-of-sight MIMO channel, and analyze the capacity of the system by jointly optimizing the active and passive beamforming, and the transceiver array orientations.


简    历:袁晓军博士是电子科技大学通信抗干扰全国重点实验室教授/博导,国家青年特聘专家、IEEE资深会员、中国电子学会资深会员,IEEE期刊TCOM、TWC以及《中国通信》编委会成员,长期致力于统计信号处理、信息论以及机器学习的前沿基础研究。目前已发表学术论文220余篇,其中在信息和信号处理领域IEEE期刊上发表论文100余篇。2014年获得国际通信领域顶级会议IEEE ICC的最佳论文奖, 2017年获得IEEE TCGCC最佳期刊论文奖,2022年获得IEEE通信学会的海因里希-赫兹奖。多次担任IEEE信息与通信领域主流国际会议的技术委员会委员。